').css( $.extend( css, { position: 'fixed' } ) ).append( html ).appendTo( DOM().body );
// if debug is on, display errors and throw exception if fatal
if ( DEBUG ) {
echo( msg );
if ( fatal ) {
throw new Error(type + ': ' + msg);
// else just echo a silent generic error if fatal
} else if ( fatal ) {
if ( _hasError ) {
_hasError = true;
fatal = false;
echo( 'Gallery could not load.' );
// Add the version
Galleria.version = VERSION;
Galleria.getLoadedThemes = function() {
return $.map(_loadedThemes, function(theme) {
return theme.name;
A method for checking what version of Galleria the user has installed and throws a readable error if the user needs to upgrade.
Useful when building plugins that requires a certain version to function.
@param {number} version The minimum version required
@param {string} [msg] Optional message to display. If not specified, Galleria will throw a generic error.
@returns Galleria
Galleria.requires = function( version, msg ) {
msg = msg || 'You need to upgrade Galleria to version ' + version + ' to use one or more components.';
if ( Galleria.version < version ) {
Galleria.raise(msg, true);
return Galleria;
Adds preload, cache, scale and crop functionality
@requires jQuery
@param {number} [id] Optional id to keep track of instances
Galleria.Picture = function( id ) {
// save the id
this.id = id || null;
// the image should be null until loaded
this.image = null;
// Create a new container
this.container = Utils.create('galleria-image');
// add container styles
$( this.container ).css({
overflow: 'hidden',
position: 'relative' // for IE Standards mode
// saves the original measurements
this.original = {
width: 0,
height: 0
// flag when the image is ready
this.ready = false;
// flag for iframe Picture
this.isIframe = false;
Galleria.Picture.prototype = {
// the inherited cache object
cache: {},
// show the image on stage
show: function() {
Utils.show( this.image );
// hide the image
hide: function() {
Utils.moveOut( this.image );
clear: function() {
this.image = null;
Checks if an image is in cache
@param {string} src The image source path, ex '/path/to/img.jpg'
@returns {boolean}
isCached: function( src ) {
return !!this.cache[src];
Preloads an image into the cache
@param {string} src The image source path, ex '/path/to/img.jpg'
@returns Galleria.Picture
preload: function( src ) {
$( new Image() ).on( 'load', (function(src, cache) {
return function() {
cache[ src ] = src;
}( src, this.cache ))).attr( 'src', src );
Loads an image and call the callback when ready.
Will also add the image to cache.
@param {string} src The image source path, ex '/path/to/img.jpg'
@param {Object} [size] The forced size of the image, defined as an object { width: xx, height:xx }
@param {Function} callback The function to be executed when the image is loaded & scaled
@returns The image container (jQuery object)
load: function(src, size, callback) {
if ( typeof size == 'function' ) {
callback = size;
size = null;
if( this.isIframe ) {
var id = 'if'+new Date().getTime();
var iframe = this.image = $('