El Nino invariably causes relatively dry winters in Delhi and North India. But, this year seems to be exceptionally dry in Delhi and other parts of the plains.
Click here to read the story,El Nino remains Defiant
The first fortnight of February has been practically dry in Delhi. In fact, evenAmritsar,Ambala,Chandigarhand Patiala have not received much winter rains this year.
Generally, February receives maximum amounts of winter rains in view of frequent Western Disturbances. Looking at the last five years’ record, we can say that this year the northern plains have performed the worst in terms of rainfall.
Here’s a look at the rainfall figures (in millimeters) in the first fortnight of February since 2011.
Before winter finally bids goodbye, it will bring a spell of rain from February 17 to 20. Starting with Rajasthan, the rain belt will gradually extend up to Punjab, Haryana,Delhi-NCR, NorthMadhya Pradeshand West Uttar Pradesh.
However, there will be no appreciable rise or fall in temperatures in the northern plains.
Image credit - lonelyplanet.com