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Winters to grip North India soon, with good snow and rain likely in Kashmir, Himachal by Nov 28

November 20, 2018 7:26 PM |

winters j and k website


Usually, by the the second week of November, winter grips North India. However, this year, due to the lesser number of active Western Disturbances, snowfall activities had not picked up pace.

Although season made a thumping start with some widespread rain and snowfall during initial days of November, but it has remained mainly silent from then.

Moreover, feeble successive Western Disturbances have restricted the flow of cold winds from Western Himalayas. As a result, winters are comparatively setting in late this year.

At present, prevailing Western Disturbance has moved away in northeast direction, thereby resulting in scattered light to moderate rains over Jammu and Kashmir during the last 24 hours. There is another fresh Western Disturbance likely to reach Western Himalayas around November 22.

However, it will not be as intense as the two Western Disturbances that had given moderate to heavy snowfall on November 1 and 3 as well as on November 13 and 14.

In the coming days, we expect scattered light to moderate rains over Jammu and Kashmir as well as over Himachal Pradesh. Moreover, higher reaches would also experience light snowfall.

Further, this Western Disturbance will move eastwards at a faster pace.. Hence, by November 23, rains will stop and once again weather will become clear and dry.

Thereafter, with a gap of four to five days, another Western Disturbance will affect the region around November 28. This would be an active one which is most likely to bring widespread rains and snowfall activities over many areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and over a few pockets of Uttarakhand.

Meanwhile, during this 5- day gap i.e. from November 23-27, cold and dry northwesterly winds would blow over Northwest and Central India. Thus, it would lead to drop in both day and night temperatures right from northwestern plains of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi to Maharashtra and parts of Telangana.

Hence, this significant gap between two Western Disturbances will help to set in good winters over the plains of country.

Image Credits – Wikipedia

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