Winters are way too far for Maharashtra

December 4, 2018 11:40 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Dry weather conditions are still continuing over the entire state of Maharashtra. It has been nearly two months that Maharashtra has experienced any significant weather system. As a result, the residents are still battling dry weather conditions.

At present, minimums are near or marginally below normal over many places of the state. However, Vidarbha is witnessing marginally above normal maximums.

Moreover, no important weather system is expected to form over the state in the coming days.

However, we expect a trough to form over parts of Madhya Maharashtra which will extend up to South Konkan & Goa. Moreover, a confluence zone is also expected to develop over Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada in mid levels around December 7. Hence, we expect light rains to occur over South Madhya Maharashtra by December 5 and gradually over parts of Marathwada as well as Vidarbha around December 7 and 8. These rains will continue till December 9 and thereafter will decrease gradually.

These weather activities will take place after a prolonged dry spell. However, no significant damage to crops will occur as intensity of these rains will remain light to very light with partly cloudy to cloudy sky conditions.

On the other hand, weather of North Madhya Maharashtra and most parts of Konkan & Goa as well as Mumbai will continue to remain dry.

Image Credits – Wikipedia

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