Winter yet to grip Northeast India, rain likely in the region

November 16, 2019 5:15 PM|

Northeast India for a while has been observing dry weather conditions. Though mist and fog are being observed during the morning hours, winter in real sense is yet to set in. And there is very little rain.

According to meteorologists at Skymet a cyclonic circulation has developed in Meghalaya and adjoining Assam. Due to this weather system, cool dry winds are mixing with warm and moist winds thus increasing the chances of thunderstorm activity at some places in the region today.

This weather activity is going to prevail in Northeast India for the next 2-3 days. Though it will largely be confined to the foothills of Arunachal Pradesh and East Assam. The intensity of rain will mainly be light with one or two moderate spells. Gusty winds are likely to be observed during this period.

Another thing to note is that these activities will mostly take place during late evening or early morning hours.

Meanwhile, the temperatures in the region are warm and winter is yet to set in. For instance the day temperature in Guwahati yesterday was 31.9 degrees Celsius while in Agartala it was 33 degrees Celsius which is 4 degrees above normal. So we can say there is still some time before cold weather takes over in the state.

Image Credit: Down to earth

Any information picked up from here has to be attributed to Skymet Weather

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