Winter rains are coming up over the plains of North India covering the states of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Currently, there are cold wave conditions prevailing in some pockets of Punjab and Haryana. Minimum temperatures have dipped to 4-5°C or even less at a few places. A twist in the weather conditions will abate the cold wave and replace it with cold day conditions at many places.
The lowest temperatures in Punjab include: Ferozepur- 4°C and Pathankot- 4.2°C. Haryana has a little large spread with a minimum temperature of </= 5°C. The cities include Hisar-4.2°C, Narnaul-3°C, Karnal, Sirsa & Panipat 5°C, each. The mercury levels are likely to rise across these two states and extend further to Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh.
A western disturbance is marked over parts of Afghanistan and North Pakistan as an upper air system. An induced circulation has already come up over West Rajasthan and adjacent border areas of Pakistan, in the lower levels of the atmosphere. The circulation is more pronounced than the mountainous disturbance. And, so will be the weather activity having a large spread in the plains and somewhat relegated in the mountains.
Extreme western parts of Rajasthan may have isolated rain and drizzle, tonight itself. Most of the weather activity will otherwise be in the evening and night hours on 11th Jan and remnant effect on 12thJan, in some parts. The main beneficiaries seem to be Haryana, Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh and North Madhya Pradesh. Punjab will possibly have the least activity of all, with only the border areas with Haryana having a light sprinkle. The Bundelkhand area of North Madhya Pradesh and southwest & central parts of Uttar Pradesh may have weather activity on two days, 11th and 12thJan. Rest all parts will start finding clearance in the wee hours of 12thJan, itself. These rains will be a boost for the farmers of these states, but for the hailstorm activity in some areas, which does not augur well for the crops.
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