East India usually receive intense Pre-Monsoon activities during April and May. Gangetic West Bengal and Kolkata also receive heavy thundershowers and rain. The monthly average rainfall of Kolkata in April is 58.9 mm but the city received only 47.6 mm.
The month of May commenced on a rainy note for Kolkata. During last 24 hours, Alipur observatory of Kolkata has received 21 mm rain. We expect few intense spells of rain and thunder shower to occur over Gangetic West Bengal as well as over Kolkata during next 4 to 5 days. This is the favorable period for nor’westers or Kalbaishakhi, which are violent thunderstorm and thunder showers accompanied with strong surface winds and sometimes hailstorm.
At present a cyclonic circulation is over east Bangladesh and adjoining area, a trough is extending from East Uttar Pradesh to Gangetic West Bengal. On and off moderate rains with one or two heavy spells are expected to continue until May 5th or 6th over the city.
Conditions are favorable for Kolkata to surpass the monthly rain average for the month of May this year. The next one week seems to be rainy for most parts of the state including Kolkata. Day temperatures will fall to some extent which will give much needed relief from ongoing sultry weather conditions.