Western Disturbance to come up again, northern parts of Northwest India to also see some rains soon

February 27, 2023 2:27 PM|

Western Disturbance is currently over the Western Himalayas which will give weather activity over the hills today as well but will confine to the hilly regions and remain ligght in nature. This present system will be supplemented by another western disturbance by tomorrow which will further more increase the rainfall activity over the hills of north India.

On March 1, a Cyclonic Circulation will develop over Rajasthan and adjoining Punjab and which is when the spread and activity will increase. Parts of Northern Punjab and North Haryana around March 1 or so may see some rains here as well.

Parts of Chandigarh may also see some weather activity along with extreme northern parts of Rajasthan may see such weather conditions as well. This clouding with rains may result in drop of temperatures but it will be a slight drop itself which is by 1-2 degrees, so we cannot expect a lot of relief particularly. Delhi on the other hand is away from the system and may not see any rains during this period.

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