Skymet weather

Weather forecast for the week in India from 7th July to 13th July

July 7, 2014 6:28 PM |

According to the latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, Monsoon in India may make some progress this week and the western arm of the Monsoon Line may cover some more parts of Gujarat. Here’s a detail look of the weather in India this week:

North India: Weather in North India is expected to be mostly dry this week. Weathermen inform us that chances of rain/thundershowers in the northern plains are very rare. Rain if any could be isolated and purely localized in nature, triggered by high temperatures or excessive humidity. Maximums in North India are expected to settle close to 40⁰C in many parts of Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan. In the absence of any Monsoon rain, day temperatures could settle 2 to 4 degrees above the normal average in Punjab too. Dry weather will be attributed to a flow of dry and northwesterly winds from Rajasthan. Cloud cover remains scattered/partly cloudy in North India this week too. Humidity could exceed 80% in the morning hours, leading to high minimums (close to 30⁰C).

East and Northeast India: While North will witness a dry week, weather in East and Northeast India will be the exact opposite. In East India, rainy weather is likely to continue, pulling down the mercury to lower thirties. It may come down to settle in the higher twenties in pockets. The low pressure system could bring heavy rain to the foothills of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in next 48 hours as the system may move from west to east now. The low pressure will turn into a cyclonic circulation thereafter and cover Sub Himalayan West Bengal and Northeast India, giving good amounts of rain in the region.  Meanwhile, the weather in Uttar Pradesh could turn dry mid-week onwards as the system will move away. Districts along the foothills of Uttar Pradesh have already received over 300 mm of rain on Sunday, 6th July

Central India: Some good news is in store for Central India this week. Meteorologists tell us that there is a possibility that the western arm of the NLM (Northern Limit of Monsoon), which has been stagnant for over twenty days now, could advance further into remaining parts of Madhya Pradesh, some parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan. And as the Monsoon line enters these states, it could bring some good rain along with it. This development could occur towards the end of the week or it might also spill over to the first half of the next week. Till then, Gujarat, Rajasthan and west Madhya Pradesh will be the hottest and driest belt of India, with temperatures exceeding 40⁰C. Other than these states, Maharashtra is also in for some good news. Parts of Vidarbha and Marathwada could observe some good showers during the entire week.

South India: Weather in South India will be rainy in many places this week. However, Kerala will remain mostly dry with scanty rain. Monsoon will be active over Andhra Pradesh and good rain is expected over Telangana and Rayalaseema. Moderate to heavy isolated rain is expected during the first half of the week, after which it will become dry. Monsoon rain is also likely over Goa during the first half of the week. Rain may increase along Maharashtra coast (including Mumbai) during the second half of the week. Coastal and interior Karnataka may receive rain both due to the westerly surge from the Arabian Sea, and from the trough running from East India up to north Tamil Nadu, across interior Karnataka.

Photo by Ritika Acharya

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