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Weather forecast for the week in India from 2nd Dec to 8th Dec

December 3, 2013 6:25 PM |

This week too, South India will witness most of the weather activity. Remaining parts of the country will experience dry and cool weather. Here’s a look at the weather forecast of India for the coming week.

North IndiaWeather in North India will not show any significant change this week. Lack of a strong Western Disturbance has failed to bring snowfall in the hills of Jammu and Kashmir due to which the chill factor is yet to be felt in Delhi and the adjoining states of Punjab and Haryana. Maximums will continue to maintain 3 to 4 degrees above the normal average, making the days slightly warm. Nights will be comfortable with early morning temperatures settling around 9⁰C this week. Since the wind pattern remains the same, i.e. dry and cool northwesterlies, humidity levels will remain on the lower side, not allowing fog to form.

East and Northeast India–Cool and humid northeasterly winds will make the mornings foggy in many parts of East India, i.e. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Visibility levels in Lucknow and Patna will drop to 700 meters. Minimum temperature in East India will maintain around normal this week, between 10⁰C to 12⁰C. On the other hand, early mornings could be hazy and pleasant in Northeast India. Minimums will maintain between 14⁰C to 16⁰C for the entire week here. Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh continues to be the coolest in East India (Lucknow: 6.4⁰C), Odisha will be the warmest with maximum settling around 29⁰C. Temperatures in Odisha will start to drop by mid - week.

Central India – It will be a slightly warm week for Central India. The chill of the winter season is yet to be felt in this part of the country. Maximums will continue to settle 2 to 3 degrees above normal, between 28 and 30 degrees Celsius. Night temperatures in Madhya Pradesh could rise by 3 to 4 degrees, to settle around 18 degrees. Minimums will be near normal in other parts of Central India this week. Weather wise it is going to be a lull week for Central India.

South India –Rapid formation of systems and cyclones in the Bay of Bengal in the last few weeks, has made the weather in South India quite eventful. This week too, the low pressure system in the Bay will intensify into a depression and possibly turn into a cyclone towards the end of the week. Widespread good showers will continue to occur in Chennai and Tamil Nadu throughout the week. Parts of Kerala will also receive scattered rain. Along the west coast of peninsular India, light rain and thundershowers may take place due to offshore feeble systems at coastal Karnataka.

Photo by Ritika.

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