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Weather forecast for the week in India 6th May-12th May

May 6, 2013 6:15 PM |

A low pressure area in southwest Bay of Bengal is brewing up to possibly become a cyclonic storm that could affect the weather along the east coast from Friday onwards. The weather in northwest India could also be affected by then a Western Disturbance will arrive over Jammu & Kashmir to conjoin with the weather system from the Bay of Bengal.

North and Northwest India
Rain will reduce in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand during the first two days of the week and dry weather would prevail in north India during mid-week. These places would again receive some rain by the weekend as a fresh Western Disturbance will take effect from Friday onwards. Northwest plains will have hot and dry weather conditions and there are no chances of rain or clouds till the weekend. Weekend will see some clouds that would be affective in curbing the lower 40s day temperature in Delhi and other parts of the plains. The weather system from the Bay of Bengal could change this weather during the weekend.

East and Northeast India
Change in weather is possible due to the effect of the developing cyclonic circulation in the Bay of Bengal. During this period, heavy to very heavy rainfall could be received in Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal. Going by the present weather conditions, these regions would continue to receive rain as the week progresses.

Due to rain during the first two days of the week, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Sikkim will have below average temperatures. By mid-week, rain and cloud cover will reduce to facilitate more heating that could send day temperatures to lower 40s. But by the weekend rain & clouds will return to bring down the temperatures in these states.

But east Uttar Pradesh will have very hot and dry weather conditions during the week. By Sunday, a respite is possible in places like Varanasi and Allahabad as temperatures will drop a bit due to partly cloudy skies.

Central India
There could be a spur in rainfall in Chhattisgarh in the region if the cyclonic storm is realised and if it moves towards Orissa during the weekend. According to present weather conditions, hot and dry weather conditions would prevail in the region except in Chhattisgarh and Vidarbha that can receive rain at one or two places in the starting two days of the week. A trough of low pressure is being experienced in these places where moist winds are approaching from the Bay of Bengal. Madhya Pradesh will have lower temperatures in lower 40s throughout the week.

South India
The effect of the possible cyclonic storm could be felt in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh after the next three days. However the wind dis-continuity that runs from east Uttar Pradesh to south Tamil Nadu will continue to give rain over interior Andhra Pradesh, south interior Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu until and if the cyclone arrives. Maximum temperatures in the rainy areas would remain below or near normal. Morning temperatures in the region may touch thirties by the weekend.

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