Weather forecast for the week in India (28th Jan-3rd Feb)

February 1, 2013 10:06 AM | Skymet Weather Team

North and northwest India
The weather in India in the north and northwest would change by the weekend as fresh snowfall will start over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand from Saturday onwards. The intensity of snowfall and rain would increase thereafter as the Western Disturbance is strong. Hailstorm with heavy rain is also possible at a few places in northwestern plains. The week starts with a feeble Western Disturbance affecting the higher ridges in Jammu & Kashmir but by the mid-week snowfall will slow down to again gather strength by the weekend.

Due to the presence of Western Disturbance over Jammu & Kashmir, temperatures in north and northwest India will rise marginally. The first two to three days of the week will have partly to cloudy sky over northwest India. Fog will not affect the region unless southeasterly winds reach the region to mix up with the cool and dry northerly winds.

East India
Cool northerly winds will keep affecting regions, which enter the week with below normal day and night temperatures. Due to the mixing up of northwesterly and easterly to southeasterly winds especially along the foothills of Himalayas and below, foggy conditions will prevail during the first three days. However fog will reduce towards the weekend as warmer westerly winds will affect the region under the influence of the Western Disturbance over Jammu & Kashmir.

South India
The coastal region of Andhra Pradesh will have rain by mid-week as northerly winds are mixing up with the warmer and moist easterly winds. They have formed a cyclonic circulation during this mix up and that will be witnessed as rain in coastal Andhra Pradesh. Rayalaseema in the state will have fog instead of rain as the cyclonic circulation over coastal Andhra Pradesh will not be affected it.

West India
Mumbai along with entire west coast will have higher temperatures compared to other parts of the country other than the south. Northeasterly, easterly and northwesterly winds are affecting this region so mornings and nights will be cooler till mid-week under the influence of cool northerly to northeasterly winds while the day will be warmer due to affect of westerly winds coming from land. The minimum temperatures would start rising towards the weekend as the Western Disturbance over Jammu & Kashmir will cut off the dry and cool northerly winds.

Northeast India
During winters, northeastern parts of the country used to get rain from the left overs of the Western Disturbance either in the form of cyclonic circulation or in form of a trough of a low pressure area(in case the Western Disturbance is too strong). One such cyclonic circulation could arrive in the region by the weekend and isloated places would receive rain.


Photograph by zilvinas.saltys