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Weather forecast for the week in India 25th-31st March

March 25, 2013 6:45 PM |

Weather in India will have rain in the Western Himalayan region as well as northeastern states and some parts of east India. Thunder-squalls are predicted at many places in the country throughout the week. Here is a region-wise weather forecast for the week in India.

North and Northwest India
Rain is expected at the start of the week over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. A Western Disturbance is present over Jammu & Kashmir and will move eastwards to shift out of the Western Himalayan region during the next two days.

Northerly to northwesterly high-speed winds are blowing over north and northwest India but they would slow down by Wednesday. These winds are vital in keeping warmth away from the region in spite of rise in day temperatures. Warmth would make a mid-week return over the region and the plains could register temperatures in early thirties. There is also possibility of thunder-squalls in the region during the first three days of the week.

A Western Disturbance is expected to affect the north and upper parts of northwest region from 27th of March onwards. Rain could be observed over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand at the time. The exit of this weather system could again bring speedy winds to make the weather in India here pleasant by the weekend.

East and Northeast India
Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim are entering the week with a possibility of rain during the first two days. A cyclonic circulation that would also bring rain in northeastern states is reason for this rain. Moist winds from the Bay of Bengal are strengthening the chances of rain in these parts. Rain would be observed when the cyclonic circulation reaches here after making an exit from the Western Himalayan region.

Central India
Central India starts with light rainfall in parts of west Madhya Pradesh, east Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. A trough of low pressure area is persisting over west Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha. Another low pressure area that runs from north Bihar to Chhattisgarh will bring showers at one or two places in Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Thunder-squalls are possible at one or two places throughout the week in these parts. Temperatures would rise in areas close to northwest India and warmth would also be felt mid-week onwards.  Rain is also expected in these parts on 28th and 29th of March.

South India
Rain is not expected in south India other than at one or two places in coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and over Vidarbha and north Andhra Pradesh in Peninsular India. Southeasterly winds from the Bay of Bengal will blow as easterly after hitting land. The weather would remain dry with more or less stable day and night temperatures throughout the week.

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