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Weather forecast for the week in India 17th-23rd June

June 17, 2013 11:00 PM |

North andNorthwest India

The week starts with monsoon rainfall activities over the entire region. Monsoon has reached the region earlier but a fall in rainfall activities will be witnessed from mid-week. The weather could even become dry by the end of the week. Temperature in northwest plains would start picking up by this time of the week and may close in to the average temperatures for the month at many places in the region.

East and Northeast

These regions are expected to witness a fresh surge in monsoon rainfall activities after Monday onwards. Rain will be weak on first two days of the week but later on moist southerly to southwesterly winds would strengthen the rainfall. Temperatures would start to drop with increase in rainfall activities. The temperature in northeastIndiawould soon dip below average by the weekend.

Central India

After receiving bountiful rain last week, rain is expected to reduce gradually. Vidarbha, east Madhya Pradesh will experience subdued rainfall Tuesday onwards.Gujaratin the region will receive rain throughout the week. Temperatures in the region would scale a bit during the week.

South India

Except west coast over Kerala, Karnataka and Konkan & Goa, monsoon rain will remain subdued in interiors of south Peninsula during the first three days of the week. The region could witness increase in rainfall activities after this period. Temperatures in Tamil Nadu will fall after Wednesday onwards.

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