Weather forecast for the week in India 13th- 19th May

May 13, 2013 6:00 PM | Skymet Weather Team

The week starts with the weather activity in the Bay of Bengal where a tropical cyclone Mahasen is meandering some 700 km east of Chennai. However the cyclone has reached its western limit and it will not further progress towards India’s east coast. In the coming days, Kolkata in India and northeastern states may see the effect of the cyclone in terms of rain.

North and Northwest India
Here comes a week wherein the day temperatures are expected to hit the mid-forties barrier possibly by the weekend. Delhi will remain hot during the week and will turn very hot towards the end. Rest of northwest India will see a similar temperature trend too. The heating during daytime will also keep the morning temperatures high and for the first time this season, settle into latter twenties after starting the week in low twenties.

North India will see a drop in rainfall activities and it will stop raining in Jammu & Kashmir by Wednesday.  Dry and warm conditions may prevail in Jammu & Kashmir mid-week onwards. Weather may turn warm in the plains of Jammu & Kashmir by the weekend as no Western Disturbance is in sight as of now.

East and northeast
Temperatures in east India over Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh will rise during the first two days while they would fall in east Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. East Uttar Pradesh will again have temperatures in mid-forties by the weekend. Rain will continue in the regions of West Bengal and Sikkim until mid-week thereafter a reduction in rainfall will be felt.

By Thursday, northeastern states could experience the effect of cyclone Mahasen as it would’ve hit land near Bangladesh coast by this time. The cyclonic storm will weaken after entering but will give rainfall at many places in the northeast. Till Thursday, a cyclonic circulation over these areas could continue to bring rain at many places. Day temperatures will remain below normal during the weekdays.

Central India
Central India, other than Chhattisgarh and Orissa, will remain dry and rain will be at a chance. Rise in temperatures is expected in central India where temperatures will be approaching mid-forties but they would still remain near average and usual summer days will continue during the week. Weekend in the region would hold the temperature of around 44 degrees in places like Bhopal and Raipur.

South India
Coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are experiencing heat wave-like conditions due to the effect of cyclone Mahasen. The clouds emanating out of the weather system are hovering over these and not letting the heat radiate out of the atmosphere. But after Tuesday, such weather conditions with very hot daytime would recede and temperatures would be back to normal come Wednesday. Rain will continue in the south over Tamil Nadu and south Andhra Pradesh during the first three days of the week but reduce significantly thereafter. One or two places would continue to get rain till the weekend.