Weather forecast for the week in Inda 16th to 22nd September

September 16, 2013 3:24 PM|

North India is expected to turn dry and hot after the first two days of the week while rain is likely to continue in south central Peninsula during the week. Here is a regionwise weather forecast for the week in the country.

North India

This region will have chances of rain with thunder activities during the first two days of the week but as the winds would predominantly become northwesterly mid-week onwards, the weather will become dry and hot thereafter. Temperatures may range between 35 to 38 degrees by the weekend in the plains. West Rajasthan may even witness temperatures as high as 40 degrees by the weekend. Morning will be cool due to northerly winds from the hills.

Central India

The northern parts of central India over Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh will remain dry and hot during the week. Some parts of east Gujarat may have light rain during the first two days of the week. South coastal Gujarat can experience rain during the weekend. Eastern parts of central India over Chhattisgarh and Orissa will have rain throughout the week. The cyclonic circulation over west-central Bay of Bengal will enter land near south Orissa coast to keep rain intact during the week.

South and south central Peninsula

Rain will continue in both these regions as the monsoon will remain active due to three weather systems. The cyclonic circulation that will enter land possibly by Thursday from the Bay of Bengal will give rain over Andhra Pradesh and north interior Karnataka while moving across the south Peninsula. The east west wind shear zone from Orissa to Maharashtra coast will keep Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada wet throughout the week. While West coast from Konkan to Kerala coast will remain rainy during the first three days of the week due to the trough (region of intensified moist winds) that extends between them.

East and northeast India

The cyclonic circulation in the west-central Bay of Bengal may spread some showers over Bihar, Jharkhand and Gangetic West Bengal mid-week but the region will remain be mainly dry with high temperatures during the entire week. The cyclonic circulation in the north Bay of Bengal will continue to influence southern parts of northeast India during the first three days of the week. While moving westwards. the weather system may also affect northern parts over Assam and Arunachal Pradesh but for a very short period during mid-week.

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