Skymet weather

Weather condition in Jaipur in coming months

March 27, 2014 1:21 PM |

The amalgamation of natural beauty and great history is what makes Jaipur a tourist hotspot. Weather in this capital city of Rajsthan is semi-arid with very warm summers and cold winters. At present Jaipur is in transition period.

In the first half of March, the plains of North India including Rajasthan remains under the influence of frequent Western Disturbances and thus, wintery conditions. From mid-March these weather systems start moving northwards. With this change we observe low level cyclonic circulations originating in Rajasthan. This region becomes a favourable pocket for circulations induced by heat.

According to the latest weather update by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, a fresh Western Disturbance lying over latitudes 64° East and 30° North is moving in the northeast direction and could bring light rain in the pink city by tomorrow.

Weather in Jaipur

With dry winds replacing humid ones, the fourth week of March sees temperatures rising in Jaipur. However, if the winds are still humid, as is the case this time, the temperature does not rise much because humid winds retain the heat. The maximum average for the month of March in Jaipur is 31°C but sometimes it can exceed 40°C. The highest temperature recorded in the last 10 years was 40.6°C on 22nd March, 2004. This year maximum exceeded 35°C twice and last year the highest temperature recorded in March was 35.9°C.

Summer in Jaipur

The temperature shoots up in April with a mean maximum of 37°C. May becomes oppressive with maximum reaching 40.3°C on an average. Night temperature also rises to low-twenties.

Pre-monsoon showers are short and quick and a couple of good spells are normal. Rain picks up in May with squally winds

With the monsoon air mass entering the Indian sub-continent in June, temperatures cease to rise much. This region becomes a weather hotspot and activity centre. Any weather system in other parts of the country triggers this area of low pressure gradient. Strong winds sweeping across the region picks up lose sand which gets advected to adjoining parts. By the first week of July, monsoon season arrives and makes the weather quite pleasant in Jaipur.

picture courtesy- Nakul Sharma

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