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Warmth & Pollution in Delhi see a rising trend, relief in sight

November 22, 2016 11:20 AM |

Delhi Weather 1

Delhi has been under the grasp of thick layer of pollution for some time now. In the recent past, the increased smog and pollution levels raised concern among the residents but as soon as the winds shooed away pollution, so did the concern.

But now when the wind speed has reduced significantly over Delhi, the increased levels of heat and pollution is trying to settle in again. Even the wind direction changed to southeasterly and it is due to the change in wind direction and slow movement of wind, we expect the pollution levels will increase and haziness will also persist for longer duration.

Delhi Pollution 1 Delhi Pollution 2


Even a Western Disturbance is persisting over Jammu & Kashmir and adjoining areas and an induced cyclonic circulation is over Central Pakistan and adjoining Punjab and Haryana.

Due to the amalgamation of all these weather activities, weather has changed over Delhi and NCR. This type of weather system will continue for another 3-4 days because of two successive Western Disturbances that will affect Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh till November 25. After the passage of Western Disturbance, wind speed will pick up pace and normal pattern of northwesterly winds will follow.

Minimum temperature will fall and wind speed will also pick up pace, which will help in reduction pollution. Since yesterday, afternoons have become much warmer as the dry and cold northwesterly winds are blocked by the induced cyclonic circulation over central Pakistan.

The chill factor which was due to cold northwesterly winds has reduced and winds from southeast, which are relatively warmer, are making the city warm.

The situation is expected to improve by November 25.

Image Credit: Instagram 

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