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Wardha sizzles at 47.5 degree Celsius, heat wave prevails in Vidarbha

May 20, 2015 6:07 PM |

Heat in NagpurThere seems no respite from the blistering heat in parts of Maharashtra. Cities like Wardha and Nagpur are recording season’s highest temperature. In fact, Wardha is the hottest city in the country at present.

Weather in Vidarbha

On Wednesday, Wardha recorded 47.5°C as maximum. Nagpur wasn't far behind at 46.9°C, Chandrapur followed with maximum at 46.8°C. Day temperature in Akola was 46.4°C and 45.6°C in Amravati.

Temperatures have been rising in Vidarbha in absence of any weather system and dry weather conditions. Temperatures are around 4 to 5°C above the normal average in the above mentioned cities.

Vidarbha and Mrathawada lie near the tropic of cancer and it is normal for these areas to record such high temperatures around this time of the year. Moreover, these areas lie in the central part of India and are equidistant from both the East and West coasts. Major weather systems do not originate in central India. Weather systems formed in the North or South India do not penetrate up to Central India.

The troughs extending from cyclonic circulations in East, South or North India bring rain in Central India. With the presence of high temperatures, any small trigger accentuates pre-Monsoon activity. Conditions become conducive for hail storm, strong winds and thunderstorm. However, such activities do not take place very frequently. For instance, the average rainfall witnessed by Nagpur and Wardha in the month of May are 16 mm and 11 mm, respectively. Nagpur has already received 37 mm of rain this month and the city could receive more rain in the last few days of the month.

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