Vidarbha gets surplus rains, best performing region in Maharashtra

July 5, 2016 5:27 PM|

Rain in NagpurVidarbha received 12.2 mm of rainfall against the normal of 9.3 mm, during last 24 hours. Therefore, this region received 31% excess rains. This makes Vidarbha the best performing region inMaharashtraas of now. Earlier Marathwada was the rainiest pocket, but now this position has been taken by Vidarbha.

Also read, Marathwada, Vidarbha gradually inching closer to above normal Monsoon rains 

As on July 4, Vidarbha recorded 12% more rainfall than normal. On the other hand, Marathwada received deficient rains to the tune of 1%. Madhya Maharashtra has also received 9% lesser rains than normal so far.

Here’s a look at the rainfall figures in Vidarbha in a span of 24 hours, from 8.30 am on Monday:

Rain in vidarbha

The low-pressure area which was lying over Bihar and adjoining East Uttar Pradeshhas now strengthened into a well-marked low-pressure area. It is now lying over Uttar Pradesh and adjoining regions ofMadhya PradeshandChhattisgarh.

Generally, rainfall is always more in the regions lying ahead of a weather system. Therefore, Vidarbha lies in a favorable zone of the weather system and will continue to receive good Monsoon rains.

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