During the last two days, parts of East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand are observing intermittent rain. However, the activity has not been heavy. Only some light to moderate rains and thundershowers occurred over many parts.
At present, a Trough is extending from Haryana to Bihar across Uttar Pradesh. Humid southeasterly winds from the Bay of Bengal are also feeding moisture to Jharkhand and Bihar. Therefore, we expectrain and thundershower activities to occur in East Uttar Pradesh, Biharand Jharkhand today as well.
By tomorrow, the weather activities in East Uttar Pradesh will subside. However, isolated light rains may continue in Bihar. Scattered rain is a possibility in Jharkhand. This unseasonal rain is expected to continue for another 24 to 48 hours over the eastern parts of the country. Particularly the state of Jharkhand might receive intense rains and thundershowers in isolated pockets accompanied by lightning strikes.
By tomorrow, the rainfall activities will confine over Jharkhand as well as southern and eastern parts of Bihar. In East Uttar Pradesh the activity will become feeble.
Day temperatures will start increasing in the region after 48 hours. However, the minimum temperature is likely to drop marginally in East Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Image Credits– Hindustan Times
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