At present, contrasting temperatures are being observed over the East and West Coast. The reason behind is the winds that are prevailing over the region.
The coastal stations of India normally experience high temperatures in the month of May. While the normal temperatures over the East Coast range somewhere between 34 to 35°C, the West coast records temperatures ranging somewhere around 34°Cin May.
In the pre-Monsoon season, East Coast is normally warmer than the West Coast. However, this time the East coast comprising the states of Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is unusually hotter as heat wave is constantly prevailing over the region, despite the ongoing occasional rains.
This distinct difference between the temperatures being observed over the East and West coast can be attributed to the passage of Cyclone Fani over the East coast. Cyclones are very strong features which can alter the air flow over the region considerably. Whenever, a cyclone approaches an area all the winds get diverted towards the coast from the land. These winds from the land are much warmer. Now the cyclone has passed away, but it still continues to affect the weather over the region as an after-effect.
Take a look at the day temperatures recorded over different places in the East coast, yesterday-
However, a hope is ahead for Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh asa fairly widespread pre-monsoon activityis being forecast over Western and Central India on May 13. This will lead to change of wind pattern over the trio states and thus the abatement of ongoing heat wave conditions.
Image Credits– Deccan Chronicle
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