Skymet weather

Unseasonal rain likely in Bihar and Jharkhand during next two to three days

February 24, 2020 9:05 AM |

Bihar and Jharkhand rains

As accurately predicted by Skymet Weather, the rainfall activities have commenced in the eastern parts of the country. Parts of Bihar and Jharkhand have recorded unseasonal rains during the last 24 to 48 hours.

Our meteorologists have predicted more rains in the duo states for another two to three days. Scattered light to moderate rain and thundershowers are likely in many parts of Bihar and Jharkhand.

These rains can be attributed to the Cyclonic Circulation over eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh. Moreover, a Confluence Zone is likely to develop over parts of Bihar and Jharkhand. Apart from these systems, the south-easterly humid winds from the Bay of Bengal will increase the moisture content leading to rain.

Amidst rains, the day temperature is likely to drop, but the minimum temperature may increase by 2-3 degrees Celsius.

These unseasonal or untimely rains will benefit Rabi crops like wheat, sugarcane, mustard, grams, peas and etc, in terms of soil moisture restoration.

It has rather been a good winter season for the eastern parts of the country in terms of rainfall activities. Since the beginning of the season, on and off unseasonal rains have been going on. And considering chances of more showers during the next few days, it seems like Winter is going to end on a rainy note for East India.

Image Credits – Avenue mail

Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather

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