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Things to love about winter

January 17, 2015 10:05 AM |


From trip tales to movie marathons, these are some of our favourite things to love about winter :-

winterThe morning cuppa coffee to kickstart your day! Well, no one’s complaining about the caffeine intake here.

Mint hot chocolates while snuggled in quilt... Winter is here

Brown leather pants, black leather pants, faux leather leggings….the effortless winter style is best option to fill your wardrobe with.

When it’s winter, it’s what on outside that counts. Making a simple chic statement this season is very easy. Pick an oversized overcoat or a neon coloured jacket. You are all set to rock the streets.

The end of season sales – best time to pick the exorbitantly priced winter wear.

Stuck indoors due to heavy snowfall or rain outside? Worry no more! Indulge in movie marathons, red carpet galore – Oscars, Golden Globe, Filmfare and Screen Awards - and enjoy every moment of being within the boundaries.

Snowman, snow skating, snow sledging, breaking icicle – relive the childhood memories. After all, it’s all about the ‘SNOW’

The miracle drink for your mug, tea is not only a stress buster, but its antiviral properties are best for preventing cold and cough in winter.  10 cups of tea, did we hear that!

Winter is the best time for guilty pleasure food. Gorging on sinful chocolate fondue, traditional sweets and mouth-watering pastries is not the lamest but most common excuse. Cos friends, we have summers to shed that excess weight.

Is the wanderlust in you persistently poking? Visit friends, visit family, pack up to explore summer destinations or other winter destinations in India. It’s the holiday season.

School cancelled, bathing cancelled, no-more-snoozing cancelled. It’s Days off!!!

Happy winter



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