Slowly and steadily, plains of North India are getting relief from cold wintry conditions. In the last 24 hours, bothday and night temperatures have increased marginally over many places in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi-NCR and Rajasthan. For instance, Barmer recorded 31.4°C on Thursday, followed by Jodhpur 29.8°C, Bhilawara 29.0°C and Ajmer recorded 28.5°C.
At present,a Western Disturbance is moving across Jammu and Kashmiras an upper air system. Its impact has remained confined to hills only. As a result, northwesterly strong winds are prevailing over northwestern plains. These winds are likely to continue as the pressure gradient continues to remain intact over the area. These winds might even gust up to 25 to 35 kmph at times.
Going by the forecast, the sky is likely to remain mainly clear over most parts of the region. However, one or two places along the foothills of Punjab and adjoining Haryana might see a partly cloudy sky. Also, similar conditions are likely to continue for the next 72 hours i.e. the next three days.
We expect a marginal gradual rise in temperatures over plains of Northwest India as the sun is moving towards north at present. Therise in temperatures in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan is likely despite the high velocity winds. As the winds will be cool in nature, so any immediate significant rise in temperatures is not likely. Also, the fog will remain absent from northwestern plains in the view of these winds.
After the passage of the Western Disturbance, the rise in minimums and maximums may take a slight break for a short period over the region. Following this, we again expect therise in temperature in Delhito continue gradually as a seasonal change is up and ahead for the region.
Image Credits– The Hindu
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