Subdued monsoon and dry weather conditions expected over Maharashtra

August 11, 2021 12:32 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Maharashtra witnessed good monsoon rains during the month of July. First 10 days of August have passed but we have not seen any significant weather activity over Maharashtra barring a few locations such as Harnai and Mahabaleshwar. Hills of Western Ghat have been receiving on and off moderate to heavy showers. However, the weather of Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra is almost dry and only occasional isolated rain occurred over Vidarbha.

Between June 1 and August 10, Konkan and Goa has received 22% surplus rain followed by Marathwada which is surplus by 14%, Madhya Maharashtra is surplus by 11% whereas Vidarbha is deficient by 12%.

Widespread showers were reported over Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Satara, Sangli and Kolhapur district of Maharashra in the 3rd and 4th week of July. The offshore trough and the low pressure area over Bay of Bengal which were responsible for heavy rains have weakened leading to significant decrease in rain activities.

We do not expect any significant weather system developing over way of Bengal which can accentuate the monsoon surge over west Coast including Konkan and Goa. Moreover, offshore trough, which is one of the driving factor for enhanced rainfall activities over Konkan and Goa will also remain weak.

Weather will remain almost dry with isolated light rains over Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra during the next one week. There may be scattered rain over Vidarbha from August 16 onwards. Konkan and may also receive on and off rain with light to moderate intensity during the week.

Monsoon is expected to remain weak over Maharashtra during first half of August.