Srinagar shivers with record temperatures, Dal Lake freezes

December 22, 2016 2:23 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Winters have arrived in full swing over Jammu and Kashmir, with mercury settling below the freezing point. The state capital of Srinagar is also under the grip of cold wave as temperatures continue to settle below zero degree for the many consecutive days now.

On Wednesday, the city recorded -6.5°C which was the lowest night temperature in the last six years. Prior to this, Srinagar had recorded -6.6°C on December 27, 2010, while the all-time high record stands at -12.8°C on December 13, 1934.

However, mercury increased slightly on Thursday and settled at -5°C, which was also three degrees below normal.
With sub-zero temperatures, most of the water bodies are in frozen state including the famous tourist attraction of Dal Lake.

According to Skymet Weather, chilly nights are common during this period of the year. In fact, the period between December 21 and January 31 is known as ‘Chilli Kalan’, a 40-day traditional period of extreme cold.

However, snowfall has not made an appearance over the city so far. Though higher reaches such as Gulmarg and Pahalgam have recorded scattered snowfall but middle and lower regions have been dry.

Moreover, no major change is likely in the weather conditions in the coming days and we do not expect any snowfall activity in the month of December.

But, weathermen predict that intensity of Western Disturbances will increase in January. During that time, moderate to heavy snowfall may occur over the city leading to further drop in minimum temperatures.

Image credit: IndiLeak

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