Southwest Monsoon to depart from most parts of the country during next 4 to 5 days

October 9, 2021 12:56 PM|

The normal date for the commencement of withdrawal of Southwest monsoon from Western parts of the country is September 17. Monsoon commenced withdrawal from western part of Rajasthan from October 8 in 2019.

In 2020, monsoon it was September 28. This year monsoon commenced withdrawal with the delay of 19 days from October 6th. Despite late withdrawal, monsoon will withdraw c completely by October 15 which is the normal date.

During 24 to 48 hours monsoon may withdraw from entire Uttar Pradesh, parts of Bihar, Jharkhand, North Chhattisgarh, most parts of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. And in subsequent two days it may withdraw from West Bengal, parts of Odisha and Maharashtra.

A low-pressure area is developing over Bay of Bengal which will eventually intensify into a cyclone and may move towards South Odisha and North Andhra Pradesh coast. We have to wait and see whether withdrawal of Monsoon is declared over Odisha and north Andhra Pradesh on time as the Cyclone may halt the withdrawal for some more days.

Southwest monsoon usually completes its withdrawal by October 15 paving the way for the commencement of Northeast monsoon.

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