Very heavy rain of 118 mm was observed in Solapur during the last 24 hours from 8:30 am on Sunday. Meanwhile, heavy showers to the tune of 45 mm lashed Akola. Aurangabad too received good rain and thundershower activities within the same time frame.
The meteorologists at Skymet have predicted more good rains forVidarbha, Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtraduring the next 48 to 72 hours. After some time, the rainfall activities would increase over Konkan and Goa as well.
Good rains are likely in Konkan and Goa including Mumbai on September 26.Moderate Mumbai rains would return by this time and may lead to water-logging in some low lying areas.
City-wise, Nashik,Pune,Malegaon etc would observe good Monsoon showers on September 25 and 26.
Overall we can say that for the next two to three days, good rains would continue over the state. And the meteorological division of Marathwada, which is still rain deficient, would observe a marginal relief.
The Monsoon season so far has turned out to be good for Maharashtra. So much so that the meteorological divisions of Madhya Maharashtra and Konkan and Goa are in excess rainfall category as of September 22.
The southern districts of Madhya Maharashtra such as Sangli and Satara, in particular, have gone through very heavy rains in the recent past. Similarly, the city of Mumbai has seen 6 to 7 episodes of flooding rains so far since the beginning of the Monsoon season.
Image Credits – Free Press Journal
Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather