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Heatwave to abate from Rajasthan, Gujarat; hot weather to prevail

April 15, 2017 4:50 PM |

Rajasthan-Gujarat Heatwave 1

Even with the temperatures expected to drop marginally, relief from the hot weather is no where to be seen over most parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. This summer is expected to be the hottest ever and with the chance of Monsoon to be underwhelming heat is most likely to be the flavor of the season.

Heatwave is most likely to subside but the hot weather conditions is likely to prevail over the region. This can be understood by the extreme high levels of mercury recorded. In the span of 24 hours from 08:30am on Friday, temperatures recorded from various places in Rajasthan and Gujarat are mentioned below.

Rajasthan-Gujarat Inside

These heatwave is due to the blow of westerly winds which are dry and extremely hot in nature. But the marginal relief is expected due to the change in wind direction from southwest direction. These southwesterly winds are relatively less hot and has a lot moisture content which will drop the mercury marginally.

Image Credit: Jagran

Originally published as: Severe heatwave to grip Rajasthan Gujarat to get slight relief

The state of Gujarat has been reeling under intense heatwave conditions. So much so that most areas are recording maximums over 43 degrees. In fact, a few cities in the state are also recording maximums above the 45-degree mark. In the list of hottest cities of India, out of ten cities, seven places are from the state of Gujarat, Bhuj being the hottest at 45.8 degrees.

These weather conditions are attributed to the presence of hot winds from the Pakistan region where maximums are already sky high. However, now, as per weathermen at Skymet, wind pattern is expected to witness a change.

Now, winds will start blowing from the western region from The Arabian Sea which will be relatively cool in nature. Thus, a slight drop in temperatures by 2 to 3 degrees is expected in the next 24 hours. Severe heatwave conditions which have been wreaking havoc over the region will abate in the next 2 to 3 days. However, heatwave will persist over the state.

On the other hand, the state of Rajasthan which has also been observing maximum temperatures above the normal levels will observe increased temperatures. Here, westerly winds from the Sindh and Balochistan region in Pakistan are blowing over the region.

In fact, maximums in Barmer and Jaisalmer are already settling above 45 degrees. These hot and dry winds will increase the maximums over the state of Rajasthan. Thus, severe heatwave will grip more parts of Rajasthan in the coming days.

Please Note: Any information picked from here must be attributed to

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