At 47.5℃, Nagpur records highest maximum of this season, no relief from heat wave anytime soon

May 28, 2019 6:29 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Updated on May 28, at 6:26 pm: At 47.5℃, Nagpur recorded season’s highest maximum, today. Looking at the ongoing conditions, no relief is expected from heat wave conditions in the coming days. Heat wave will intensity and cover more parts of Vidarbha in the next few days.

Maharashtra has been reeling under extremely hot and dry weather conditions for the last many days. In fact, dry and hot northwesterly winds have led to significant increase in day temperatures across Maharashtra. Moreover,Vidarbha region has been battling heat wave to severe heat wave conditions since the beginning of May, barring few days when the region observed a slight relief.

Mercury touched new heights on Monday, as it crossed 46℃ across Vidarbha and Marathwada. With maximum temperatures at 46.7℃, Bramhapuri and Nagpur were the hottest cities of India, followed by Wardha 46.5℃, Chandrapur 46.4℃ and Parbhani 46.1℃.

According to Skymet Weather, no relief is expected during the next few days as well. In the absence of any significant weather system, unabated hot and dry winds would continue to reach Maharashtra. Thus, extremely weather conditions would continue and severe heat wave would continue to grip most parts of Maharashtra during next three to four days. In fact, heat wave may increase its cover.

At present, temperatures in Konkan & Goa are below 40 degree mark and most places are recording maximums between 34℃ and 35℃, barring one or two pockets. Being a coastal region, mercury rarely crosses 40 degree mark here and mostly settles in higher 30s only. However, due to high humidity levels, feel like temperature is 40℃ or more.

Also read: Heat wave to cover parts of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP and eastern states now

Konkan and Goa may get some marginal relief in the first week of June. A feeble trough is expected to develop around that time along the coastal areas of Maharashtra, leading to isolated light rain activities over Mumbai, Raigad, Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri.

This pre-Monsoon season is turning out to be very poor for Maharashtra in terms of rainfall activities. Talking about figures, Konkan and Goa is the most rain deficient region in Maharashtra with 97% deficiency. The other three meteorological divisions such as Vidarbha, Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra are largely rain deficient, with deficiency being more than 75% from March 1 to May 27. The state overall is deficient by 77%, at present.

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