Stubble Burning in Punjab and Haryana came in a little too early this year, wherein at least117 instances of farm burningswere observed in just two days. With this, our weathermen believe that Delhi may choke to bad quality air earlier than it usually does during this time of the year. In fact, if experts are to be believed, air quality will begin to deteriorate in mid-October itself.
Meanwhile, the satellite imagery of NASA shows red dots over thestates of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. As per research scientist, Universities Space Research Association (USRA) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Hiren Jethva, since Punjab does not have forest cover, the red dots indicate forest fires.
As per the Haryana Pollution control board, while no crop burnings have been reported on ground, red dots have been reported in satellite imagery of the state. As per environment experts,Delhi is presently not affectedby the stubble burning which has been taking place.
However, as soon as the wind changes direction, the smoke will enter the national capital and its adjoining areas resulting in bad air quality in the coming days. Diwali Firecracker will further add more smoke to the atmosphere resulting in a dreadful situation altogether.
Image Credit: NASA