The saga of three digit rainfall continues along the West Coast. Konkan & Goa has been receiving more than 100 m of rainfall for the last many days.
The off shore trough is still active, right from South Gujarat to North Kerala. Monsoon is vigorous over Konkan & Goa and normal over CoastalKarnataka. However, Kerala has been receiving subdued rainfall for the last many days.
Here’s a look at the rainfall figures during last 24 hours:
Valsadin the coastal areas of Gujarat also received 120 mm of rainfall.
On and off rainfall will continue over these areas. In fact, the intensity of rainfall will pick up gradually over Coastal Karnataka and Kerala also.
This year the subdivision of Konkan &Goahas been receiving very good rains. At present, the region is surplus by 23% in terms of Monsoon rains. Coastal Karnataka has been receiving normal rains and is surplus by 8%. Kerala which normally receives very good rainfall throughout the Monsoon season has received 8% below normal Monsoon rains.
Though Monsoon reached Kerala by a delay of 7 days, but good pre-Monsoon showers were being observed since the last week of May. After the initial thrust, Monsoon became subdued over Kerala. However, we now expect rains to pick up in Kerala.
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