Uttar Pradesh has been one of the most rain deficient states during the Southwest Monsoon season. In fact, rains were deficit over the state for over 50% until Mid-July. However, soon the conditions improved, and the state got to witness some scattered moderate with heavy rains.
As per Skymet Weather, the axis of Monsoon trough was persisting over Uttar Pradesh for the last many days. This weather system was responsible for giving moderate to heavy showers over many parts of the state. In fact, these rains proved to be instrumental in not only breaking the monotonous dry spell of July, it also improved the rainfall performance, making the situation highly rain deficient state to satisfactory.
In the last 24 hours, from 08:30 am on Tuesday,Orairecorded 42 mm of rains, Muzaffarnagar 23 mm,Bahraich21 mm, Allahabad 20 mm,Gorakhpur14 mm,Shahjahanpur7 mm, Hardoi 6 mm, Jhansi 4 mm, Moradabad 3 mm, Banda 2 mm, Fursatganj 2 mm, Meerut 0.6 mm, andBareillyrecorded 0.6 mm of rains.
Now, the axis of Monson trough has once again lie south of its normal position and is at present passing through Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Although the easterly winds are blowing over the entire state, rain intensity is now expected to reduce leading to the almost dry weather conditions.
However, isolated pockets such as Bahraich,Lucknow,Kanpur, Bareilly,Moradabad,Fursatganj, and Sultanpur may receive short spell of rains but significant rain activities are ruled out for at least the next 2-3 days.
We expect the revival of Monsoon rains once again around August 11 and during that time, good rains would make a comeback. Therefore, any significant relief in the ongoing flood like situation over parts of the state is foreseen only for a short span.
Image Credit: Wikipedia
Any information taken from here should be credited to skymetweather.com