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Red Alert on Rain Over Goa, Maharashtra, and Karnataka

June 8, 2024 10:54 AM |

Relief is finally on the horizon for the rain-deficient regions of Maharashtra and Karnataka as heavy to very heavy rainfall is expected over the next two to three days. This comes after a period of below-average precipitation, with coastal Karnataka experiencing a 60% deficit, Konkan & Goa a 64% deficit, Madhya Maharashtra a 15% deficit, and Marathwada a 12% deficit between June 1 and 7. Only Vidarbha has seen a surplus of rain during this time (2%).

The weak monsoon surge over Karnataka and South Maharashtra has finally strengthened due to a cyclonic circulation developing over the south coast of Maharashtra and adjoining north coast of Karnataka. This circulation extends up to 4.5 kilometers above mean sea level and is expected to significantly intensify rain activity soon.

Several districts in Maharashtra and Karnataka are on red alert for heavy to very heavy rainfall, which could lead to localized flooding and waterlogging. These districts include Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Raigarh, Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, Pune, and Solapur in Maharashtra, and Belgaum, Karwar, Uttara Kannada, Dharwad, and Shimoga in Karnataka.

Click the image below to see the live lightning and thunderstorm across Goa

The good news is that these rains are expected to pull the monsoon further inland, reaching not only the coastal Konkan and Goa regions but also Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada within the next 24 to 48 hours. This long-awaited advancement of the monsoon could even bring rain to Mumbai and Pune. Overall, the rain deficit across Maharashtra and Karnataka is expected to improve significantly in the next three to four days.

The heavy rainfall is also expected to have a positive impact on water reservoir levels, which have been suffering due to the previous deficit. This much-needed boost will be crucial for water security in the region.


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