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Rainy Weekend For Delhi, Humidity Rise - Sultry Weather Likely

May 9, 2024 12:45 PM |

Delhi had remained dry in the month of May, so far. Following a dry spell, the mercury rose to reach 42°C on 07th May, the highest of the season. The temperature soared at 40°C or more for four consecutive days, between 04th and 07th May. Courtesy, of the arrival of a fresh system and change of winds, the heat has eased out a bit. Mercury has lowered by 4°C, to record a day maximum of 38.2°C yesterday, a notch below the normal. No abrupt rise in the temperature is likely and the maximum may get restricted to under 40°C till mid-week next.

Fresh western disturbance has arrived over the mountains. An induced cyclonic circulation is marked over North Rajasthan and Punjab. This feature will shift to Haryana and Delhi, tomorrow. An inclined trough from the system will run across Delhi, Southwest Uttar Pradesh, North & Central Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh and dip into the circulation over Bihar and Odisha. This trough will oscillate and trigger weather activity over the north, central and eastern parts of the country.

The proximity of this trough to Delhi will change the wind pattern and bring warm and moist winds for the next few days. Since the weather activity will remain confined to the evening and night, the rise of humidity will lead to sultry conditions, during afternoon hours. Though, the temperatures will get restricted to below 40°C, but warm and moist winds will raise the discomfort. A moderate breeze will keep the mornings, still pleasant.

Delhi is likely to have the pre-monsoon activity for the next four days, between 10th and 13th May 2024. Intensity and spread will increase on the 11th and 12th of May. Thunderstorms and dust storms are likely to precede sharp showers. Lightening, thunder and strong winds, typical of pre-monsoon, will bring partial relief during this period.  On cessation of weather activity, the mercury will rise once again to breach and exceed 40°C, in the later half of next week.

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