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Rainy Week For Goa, Moderate Showers Till Mid-Week Next

July 4, 2024 1:33 PM |
Monsoon rain in Goa, Image: Herald Goa

Konkan and Goa is one of the rainiest pocket during the monsoon season. Along the West Coast: Kerala, Coastal Karnataka and Konkan & Goa contribute the largest seasonal share of rainfall during southwest monsoon. While, the other two sub-divisions remained deficit during the month of June, Konkan & Goa could catch up with the normal quota. Goa , per say, recorded 824mm of rainfall in June against the monthly normal of 870mm. July is the rainiest of all with an average monthly rainfall of 995mm.

Goa’s climate is tropical, hot all year around, with a long and sunny season, which runs roughly from  mid-October to mid-May. The rainy season on account of southwest monsoon runs more or less from late May to mid-October. Monsoon season is characterized by stuffy weather, persistent cloud cover and frequent rains which occur almost daily and sometimes are torrential. Goa, a former Portuguese enclave is one of the smallest states with main cities of Panaji, Margao and Mormugao. The sunshine hours during the monsoon season, on an average, are barely 3-4 hours per day.

Monson surge is not very strong along the West Coast.  These conditions will largely remain unchanged for the next about 10 days. Notwithstanding, minor fluctuations, showers will be mostly moderate to light, albeit embedded with short and sweet spells of intense rains. Monsoon westerlies from the Arabian Sea are not really speedy and intense and therefore moderate showers are likely between 04th and 07thJuly.

In the meantime, a cyclonic circulation is forming over Bay of Bengal, which is moving over the central parts of the country, at the start of next week. It is not a very strong system, yet good enough to hasten the wind flow along Goa coast. Moderate showers with little increase in intensity and spread are likely on 08th and 09th July.  These winds are going to decelerate during mid-week next and therefore rainfall will become light for the remaining days of the week.

Image Credit: Herald Goa

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