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Rains to reduce over Tamil Nadu, Kerala; more rains for Andhra, Telangana

June 7, 2017 5:51 PM |

Monsoon in Kerala

Soon after Monsoon marked its onset over Kerala, the southern peninsular India has been receiving on and off good showers. In fact, moderate to heavy spells occurred in most parts of Southern India. Extremely heavy showers were also recorded in a few states of Southern India.

At present good rains have occurred over Kerala and coastal Karnataka while heavy showers were recorded in parts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. As of now, on and off showers are expected to continue over interior Tamil Nadu though the intensity of rain will be light to moderate and occasional.

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Let’s have a look at the rainfall recorded in a span of 24 hours from 08:30 am on Tuesday:


As per Skymet Weather, these showers can be attributed to a well-marked low-pressure area that has developed over west central Arabian Sea. On account of this, the ongoing good rains over Kerala and Tamil Nadu are likely to subside for the next 24-48 hours. However, a significant increase in the rain activity is likely over Rayalaseema and the adjoining areas.


Rayalaseema, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, and Coastal Karnataka are likely to continue receiving light to moderate rains at many places. Skymet Weather further reiterates that rain intensity will once again pick up the pace over Telangana from June 10. But South Interior Karnataka and including Tamil Nadu will continue with subdued rain activity for another 3-4 days.

In a nutshell, rains are anticipated to increase over the upper half of Southern Peninsular India. On the contrary, states like South Tamil Nadu, South Interior Karnataka, and Kerala may witness some reduction in rains.

Image Credit: ndtv

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