Rains to increase over Bengaluru, moderate showers ahead

August 10, 2017 6:36 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Bengaluru did not receive much rains during the month of August this time. In fact, not even for a single day did the city record rains over 10 mm. So much so that, rainfall activity has remained confined to be just a few traces of rainfall or slightly more than that. Not only this, there have been times when the city hasn’t even received a single drop of rainfall.

Temperature wise, Bengaluru has been observing an increase in both the maximum as well as the minimum temperatures. In fact, the city has recorded maximum which have been slightly above the normal levels as well.


However, it seems like the rain gods have finally decided to listen to the prayers of the residents of Bengaluru. The last 24 hours have been rainy enough for the city and moderate spells of showers were recorded.

Check out the latest lightning and thunderstorm status across Bengaluru

In a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Wednesday, Bengaluru did record a good 13 mm of rainfall which has been the highest in the month of August this year. In fact, maximum and minimum temperatures also witnessed a drop with them falling to 27.5 degrees and 20 degrees, respectively.

The increase in the rainfall activity has been attributed to the presence of a trough which is running across the Interior parts of Karnataka.

As per weathermen at Skymet Weather, moderate rainfall activity is expected over the city of Bengaluru during the next 24 to 48 hours.

Image credit: ndtv.com

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