Skymet weather

Rains to continue in Vidarbha and Marathwada, pest attack likely

April 10, 2018 5:28 PM |


The state of Maharashtra has been witnessing dry weather from quite a long time. However, the weather situation took a U-turn in the past 48 hours, as scattered rains of light to moderate intensity have occurred over the sub-divisions of Vidarbha and Marathwada. With this, the day and night temperatures have dropped by 3 to 4 degrees Celsius.


In contrast to this, the weather over Konkan remained dry, with clear sky conditions, while Madhya Maharashtra saw isolated rain activity.

At the moment, the mercury levels over most parts of the state have been settling near the normal range. As predicted by Skymet Weather, scattered rain and thundershowers were observed over Vidarbha and isolated places of South Madhya Maharashtra during the past 24 hours.

According to Skymet Weather, the trough extending from Madhya Pradesh up to Karnataka across Vidarbha and Marathwada is expected to persist. Hence, we can expect isolated rains to occur over South Madhya Maharashtra and parts of Vidarbha during the next 24 to 48 hours. These showers will be of limited duration and occur in patches. The sky is likely to become partly cloudy to cloudy at some occasions.

No change is anticipated in the weather conditions over Konkan and Goa and hence, dry weather will maintain its grasp. We do not expect much deviation in the temperature profile for at least the next 48 hours.

At this juncture, let’s have a brief idea of the weather’s impact on the agriculture:

As Vidarbha and isolated places of South Madhya Maharashtra observed scattered rain and thundershowers during the past 24 hours, this condition is favorable for pest attack. Thus, farmers are advised spray accordingly.

As isolated rains are expected to occur over South Madhya Maharashtra and parts of Vidarbha during the next 24 to 48 hours, hence farmers are advised to postpone irrigation, application of fertilizers and plant protection methods to the standing crops.

In Konkan, the harvest matured pulses and fruits like Mango should be cut early in morning or late evening.

 Image Credit: Wikipedia

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