Rains to commence over Punjab and Haryana

March 1, 2018 4:24 PM|


The states of Punjab and Haryana have not had a very fruitful December and January in terms of rainfall activity. As far as the winter rains are concerned, they have remained on the lower side both the adjoining states.


Currently, the Western Disturbance has induced a cyclonic circulation over the central parts of Pakistan and adjoining Punjab.

Therefore, light to moderate rain and thundershower activities over parts of Punjab are expected to commence by tomorrow, i.e. on the evening of Holi. Meanwhile, on and off rain activities may continue till March 3. These rains will not be widespread but patchy rains for short duration are expected at many places.

Parts of Haryana may also receive one or two short spells of rain and thundershower. But spread and intensity of rains over Haryana will be much less as compared to Punjab. Hailstorm activities cannot be ruled out at one or two places over Punjab.

Day temperatures will fall by 3 – 4°C over Punjab and 2 – 3°C over Haryana.

As the weather has already started effecting these states, medium and high clouds have appeared.  Therefore, isolated thundery activities are expected by today afternoon or evening over parts of Punjab and Haryana. But rains are expected to commence by tomorrow itself.

Image Credit: thetimesofinida

Any information taken from here should be credited to skymetweather.com

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