The northeastern parts of the country have seen some good rainfall activities in the last 24 hours and that too for the second consecutive day. In fact, some parts have also seen some heavy rains during the same time period. Rains were seen more over Assam and Arunachal Pradesh as compared to the other parts of Northeast India. As far as the rest of the country is concerned, in terms of rain, there has been a lean phase in the past couple of days.
During the last three days, Pasighat, Tezpur, Jorhat, Dibrugarh and other parts have seen fairly good rains. Gangtok also has seen some good rains. If we take 24 hours rain, Arunachal saw 310 percent, Assam and Meghalaya 214 percent, Sub Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim 150 percent.
Today also, we can expect some rain. Tomorrow, rain will reduce to quite an extent. Thereafter, rains will only be seen in parts of Arunachal Pradesh, for the rest of the areas, rains will vacate. Total clearance will take about 4-5 days, i.e. around March 1. Until then, parts of Arunachal Pradesh may continue to see some rain till February 28.