In wake of Cyclonic Circulation over Assam altogether with moisture incursion from Bay of Bengal in the form of south westerly winds, cloud formation has increased over northeastern states of the country during last 24 hours. In fact, many parts of Northeast India including Assam have been experiencing light rains since last 24 hours.
Places such asDhubri,Jorhat,Guwahati,Tezpuras well asNorth Lakhimpurhave become the victim of these rains. At present, sky is overcast over Guwahati and its many parts are experiencing light rain and thundershower activities.
According to Skymet Weather, the above system will persist for another 24 hours thereby continuing on and off rains over many parts of Assam including Guwahati for another 24 hours. Thereafter, Cyclonic Circulation will lose its strength. Once this happens, weather will gradually clear up and residents will get the touch of bright sunshine.
Talking about temperature, Guwahati has recorded maximum at 22℃, today at 5 pm. By tomorrow, this figure will increase by couple of degrees because rains will make an exit and dry weather will take over the region.
So far all the northeastern states including Assam have remained highly rain deficient. The reason is absence of any good spell over the entire region. That is why the residents were eagerly waiting for the current spell that is touching the state, however bad news for them is these rains will not help in anyways in reducing rain deficiency even to a slight extent, reason being the light intensity of this rainfall.
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Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather