Central parts of the country including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh as well as Chhattisgarh are all set to see unseasonal rainfall activity. The possibility of hailstorm cannot be ruled out in some of these areas.
For Madhya Pradesh, rains have begun today for the northern half of the state. These showers are expected to increase by tomorrow and extend up to other parts of the state. These showers will be seen day after tomorrow i.e. January 8.
These rainfall activities will cover Maharashtra on January 8, and will continue on January 9 as well. Moreover, rains will be seen on January 10. Rains in Maharashtra will be light to start with and will be seen in mostly Vidarbha as well as Marathwada.
Rainfall activity will be seen over Chhattisgarh around January 10, extending up to January 11 and 12 as well.
The reason for these rains can be attributed to the shift of the anti cyclone towards the eastern side with the movement of the duo systems, i.e. the Western Disturbance and the Induced Cyclonic Circulation towards the east.