Rainiest Northeast Monsoon, More Heavy Rains During Last Week of Nov

November 25, 2021 10:04 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Heavy rains have lashed South India this northeast monsoon season, making it one of the rainiest in the recent past. And it is not yet over and done, more heavy rains are expected in the remaining days of November. Month of November remains generally dry over plains of North, East and Western parts of the country. Rains are mostly limited to south peninsula on account of northeast monsoon.

Excess rains have been on 2 counts : late withdrawal of southwest monsoon and timely arrival of northeast monsoon and frequent formation of cyclonic disturbances over Bay of Bengal. During November, South India has been battered by heavy rains thrice between 06&07Nov, 11&13Nov and 16&18Nov. Heavy to very heavy rains have taken turn to deluge different pockets at different times, prominent being Tamil Nadu, South Interior Karnataka and Rayalaseema.

Cities like Chennai, Bengaluru, Tirupati, Tirumala, Kolar, Tumkur and Anantapur registered record rainfall during this month. And the distress is not yet over as another deluge wait in the wings to drench parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala.

Kerala, Rayalaseema and South Interior Karnataka  and state of Tamil Nadu have registered large excess rainfall between 01stOctober and 25thNovember.  The last excess of 2019 has been surpassed comfortably and the margin is likely to increase further in the remaining days of November.

Yet another low pressure area has formed over southwest Bay of Bengal. This weather system will become more marked and move west-northwestward slowly. Another round of heavy rains, starting with Tamil Nadu, is likely for South India.  Next 5 days will spell problems for already saturated landmass of Tamil Nadu, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, Karnataka and Kerala. 

Localized flooding, water logging and overflowing of water bodies is quite likely. Closely following this wet spell is another strong weather system likely to come up over the Andaman Sea around 28-29 November 2021.