Rainiest state Kerala may experience rain deficit in September

September 12, 2014 12:41 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Usually known to be a month of heavy rains in Kerala, this year September exhibits symptoms of withdrawal from the beginning. With zero rain over cities like Kochi, Kozhikode and Kottayam in the past week, rain indicates to be scanty in this last month of Monsoon for God’s own country.

The lush green Kerala that never witnesses a lull in heavy rains is now on the threshold of withdrawal of southwest monsoon. During the last week, Kochi received just 28 mm of rain which is 51% deficit as compared to the rain received last year in the same period. The position is worse for Thiruvananthapuram which remained 94% deficit by receiving mere 5 mm in the last seven days.

While the starting few days of the week observed light to moderate rain showers, it became nil in the last few days . There was hardly any rain in cities like Kochi, Kozhikode, Kottayam and Thiruvananthapuram.

The monthly rainfall for most of the cities in Kerala is above 200 mm for September but witnessing the situation, Skymet meteorology Division in India anticipate a rain deficit for this month in Kerala.

So while the past week has been quiet for this South state of India, the upcoming week may bring slight respite from this quiet spell.

Rain for the Week 6th Sep -12th Sep

Dates Kochi Kozhikode Kottayam Thiruvananthapuram
6th Sep 19 9 12 1
7th Sep 5 12 12 0.3
8th Sep 2 10 14 2
9th Sep 2 20 5.8 2
10th Sep Trace 2 6 Trace
11th Sep Trace 0 0 Trace
12th Sep 0 0 0 0

Rain comparison for the week 6th Sep- 12th Sep

City 2013 2014
Kochi 58 mm 28 mm
Kozhikode 35 mm 53 mm
Thiruvananthapuram 89 mm 5.3 mm