During last 24 hours, rainfall activity has occurred over almost all of East India in varied intensity. Light to moderate rain at few places has occurred over sub-Himalayan West Bengal, Bihar and Odisha. Isolated light rains were recorded over EastUttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and remaining parts of West Bengal.
As of now the Southeasterly winds are going overOdisha, GangeticWest Bengaland Jharkhand. Therefore we can expect that the rain intensity will increase over these states and many places may receive light rain with few moderate spells.
Bihar and East Uttar Pradesh will also get scattered rainfall but these rains will be much less compared to other Eastern states.
Though intensity of rain over East India decreases gradually in the month of October, but the normal rainfall for these states are quite high. This is why even with the subdued rainfall activity, rainfall figures over entire East India is in deficiency.
But the good news is that the rain intensity will pick up pace over East India in next 2-3 days.
Image Credit: outlookindia.com
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