As Northeast Monsoon has marked its onset, many parts of Tamil Nadu including the capital city Chennai are receiving good rains since the past few days. Due to the arrival of Monsoon, in the past 24 hours, heavy rains occurred over the coastal stations of the state. Meanwhile, light to moderate rains were observed over the interior parts.
In the last 24 hours from 08:30 am on Saturday, Karaikal and Tuticorin Port in Tamil Nadu recorded 62 mm of rain, followed by Parangipettai 52 mm, Nagapattinam 46 mm, Kanyakumari 13.7 mm, Pamban 12 mm, Palayankottai 11.2 mm, Kodaikanal 14.2 mm, Vellore 7.6 mm, Thondi 28.2 mm, Tiruchirapalli 6 mm and Madurai 3.6 mm.
These good rains have been attributed to the cyclonic circulation seen over Comorin region and adjoining South Tamil Nadu Coast.
Since this system is moving away, therefore, we expect rains to decrease over the entire state of Tamil Nadu. In fact, during the next few days mainly light rainfall activity would continue over scattered places of Tamil Nadu. Few south coastal stations might receive moderate showers.
However, another cyclonic circulation has already formed over South-central Bay of Bengal. It is likely to intensify more and move in westerly direction. In wake of this, rainfall activity would further affect the coastal station around November 6.
Thus, we can say that rains over Tamil Nadu are likely to take a back seat for the next 3 days and are once again expected to commence from November 6.
Image Credits – India Today
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