Rain in store for Nagpur, Latur, Akola, Parbhani; Rabi crops to be harvested

February 10, 2018 1:18 PM | Skymet Weather Team

The entire state of Maharashtra has been observing dry weather conditions from quite a long time now and with the persistence of aridness across the region, maximum temperatures have mounted and settled well above normal, particularly in Vidarbha region.

Now, during the last 24 hours, maximum temperatures have dropped over Vidarbha as well as Marathwada regions, however, they are still settling above the normal levels by two to three degrees.


Meanwhile, both the maximum and minimum temperatures have been noted to be near normal over other parts of Maharashtra, i.e., Konkan and Madhya Maharashtra.

After the span of 24 hours, the minimum temperatures are expected to increase over Vidarbha and Marathwada regions, while maximums will plummet further.

As per Skymet Weather, a cyclonic circulation is most likely to form over Haryana and North Rajasthan. A trough will extend from this system up to South Marathwada. Thus, development of clouds are anticipated, which will result in scattered light to moderate rain and thundershowers over many parts of both the regions such as Nagpur, Wardha, Akola, Parbhani, Latur and Nanded between February 11 and 12. These showers are expected to be accompanied with hailstorm.

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Meanwhile, isolated light rain may also occur over southern parts of Madhya Maharashtra, but these showers will not be of much significance. Remaining parts of the region will continue to witness dry and warm weather conditions. The sky will remain partly cloudy to cloudy over many parts of Madhya Maharashtra. The weather of Konkan will be completely dry.

By February 13, weathermen are of the view that rains will reduce significantly, but isolated showers may continue over Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.

At this juncture, let us take a brief look of the effect of weather on the agriculture:

Farmers in Marathwada and Vidarbha are suggested to complete the harvesting of Rabi crops such as Bengal gram, Jowar, Safflower and early sown Wheat before February 11 in the wake of approaching rains. We advise the farmers to store or move the harvested crop produce to a risk free place to avoid losses.

If needed then, irrigate the late sown Wheat and Bengal gram crop and keep an eye on the standing crops due to the anticipated hailstorm activity.

In addition, farmers are advised to complete sowing of summer crops in Vidarbha region before February 15 and stay cautious of vegetable and fruit crops due to cloudy weather and predicted rainfall activity in the next two to three days.

Image Credit: desibantu.com

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