Rain in Nashik, Pune this week, Jowar, Chana crop to be harvested

February 6, 2018 3:55 PM | Skymet Weather Team

At this time, the weather continued to be dry over Maharashtra. With the aridity, maximum temperatures have also mounted above the normal levels, leading to discomfort among the inhabitants.

This would be more apparent from the maximums recorded in the last 24 hours. For instance, Ratnagiri observed a day temperature of 35.2°C, which is five degrees above the normal levels. In the same way, Jalgaon recorded a day temperature of 34.6°C, which is three degrees above normal.


As per Skymet Weather, thin cloud cover will persist over Madhya Maharashtra for the next two days. We do not expect any significant change in the maximum temperatures from February 6 to 7 and they are expected to continue settling above the normal levels.

Further, weathermen anticipate Madhya Maharashtra to witness light rainfall activity between February 10 and 12. At this time period, both day as well as night temperatures are likely to drop by two to three degrees over the aforementioned region.

Click the image above to see the live lightning and thunderstorm across Maharashtra

Moving to Konkan region, significant rains are not expected, however with the persistence of cloud cover, day temperatures will fall by two to three degrees, bringing some respite from the prevailing warm weather conditions.

At this stage, let us take a brief look at the consequence of weather on the agriculture:

The farmers in Madhya Maharashtra are recommended to finish the harvesting of Jowar crop and keep the harvested crop at a riskless place. The same way, they should complete the harvesting and threshing of Chana crop.

Further, farmers are advised to keep an eye on the Wheat crop, if required, they can irrigate the fields after February 12. Moreover, they could start sowing Summer Groundnut and take precautions to protect the matured crop in the case of rains.

Image Credit: The Hours - My Memoir

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